Dolmen Mall Clifton, Karachi recently hosted an exciting pop-up event by Naj Oleari, the renowned Italian makeup brand, offering beauty enthusiasts and renowned influencers an unforgettable experience. The event combined a fun, interactive atmosphere with expert-led makeup sampling, exclusive gifts, and engaging activities, bringing the luxurious yet playful spirit of Italian beauty to Karachi.
One of the standout features of the pop-up was the Spin the Wheel competition, where visitors had the chance to win exciting prizes with every spin. From free samples to exclusive discounts, the game added an extra layer of fun to the shopping experience, making it all the more engaging for visitors of all ages.
In addition to the competition, Naj Oleari offered a Makeup and Go station, where beauty lovers could receive quick touch-ups using the brand’s vibrant, high-quality products. The “Makeup and Go” service allowed guests to experiment with the latest makeup trends and products, leaving them refreshed and ready to take on the day with confidence.
Makeup tutorials were also a major highlight of the event. Naj Oleari’s expert makeup artists shared tips and tricks for creating flawless looks, guiding attendees on how to incorporate the brand’s top-selling products into their daily routines. Whether participants were looking for bold, dramatic eye looks or subtle, fresh-faced beauty, the tutorials were tailored to suit all preferences, ensuring everyone walked away with new skills and insights.
Guests who visited the pop-up also enjoyed exclusive gifts, with special giveaways for those who made purchases and participated in the competition. This thoughtful touch made the event feel even more special, as attendees left with not just beauty products, but also memories of an exciting and educational experience.